Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's a Girl!

We confirmed with the sonographer Monday morning that Lauren will have a sister come end of February 2008. Ben and I honestly were hoping to have one girl and one boy, but we are happy to have another healthy girl too! I think it's neat for Lauren to have a sister to love and share with. We will pray that they can be good friends. We've heard it can go either way.

We may try to have a 3rd hoping to have a boy someday. We'll see how it goes with number 2 though. We'll see what we can handle. Ben is already thinking of how to afford college. I told him they could work like I did. Or if they get the grades they can get grants like Ben and I did.

I am excited that I get to shop around for another perfect, beautiful girl name!

I'm already envisioning times when our girls are a little older and we get to go shop, bake, cook, sew and make fun projects, and have tea time together while Ben goes off hunting.

We grew up with my mom making designer clothes for us, like "Chinese Laundry" and "Ann Taylor". I can't wait 'til I get my serger and sewing machines so I could make cute little clothes.

The good news is that we have mostly all we need for the baby to come. It's good for the budget. I'm looking forward to putting Lauren's outgrowns on the new baby.


Michelle Major said...

We're so excited you found out that it is a girl! Yay!

Melissa said...

Yeah!! It's a girl! We'll pray that Lauren & Gribstad baby #2 are good friends. My sister and I went through stages of being very close, and very far apart (the highs and lows of female hormones!) I'm happy to say we're friends again.
Anyway, congrats!