Saturday, October 6, 2007

Creative Block

Ben and I are brainstorming for a good, catchy name for our blog and couldn't come to an agreement. He comes up with ones that I consider to be "so engineer", like "Captain's Log", "What The Blog", "Let's Get Real", "Seeking Truth with Fun", and "Truth Seekers". I want one that is creative but not too serious.

I came up with "Season's Beauty". I guess it sounds a little too foofy. Since we're parenting a little toddler with another one on the way, I feel that these are the beautiful moments we should treasure and enjoy. This is our season of family in the making.

I'm sure a good one will eventually evolve. Bear with us if you notice the title changing from time to time. For now, it is "Laugh With Me". It might change to something else tomorrow. It's hard to come up with one that fits while I feel tired and a little brain dead at the end of the day.

We are looking forward to discovering the gender of our next child on the 15th. We are counting the days.

It was fun to meet up with Min, Henry, and their daughter Kristie today at the Japanese Festival. The festival was okay, nothing too out of the ordinary or amazing. Lunch was reasonably priced and yummy at a place called Makato. We shopped some at a grocery store and got some sweet bean snacks that Lauren and I loved. They make for good bribing material for Lauren to obey us when we need her to. I was dressed too warm for the outing. There wasn't much shade around at all. So we didn't stay too long.

We had to get some chores done at home anyway. Since Ben has been out of commission for the past 3 days due to a bad stiff neck. We had a lot of chores piled up that needed attention. Things like clearing dishes in the kitchen, laundry, watering our plethora of plants, and washing the cars. We're trying to prepare and take pictures of the Miata to sell soon.

We only have room for 2 cars in our garage unfortunately. I honestly will be sad to see the Miata go, since it is my car. I don't really have time to drive it much these days except for the occassional outings I get to myself once or twice a month. We need to make room to bring the Forestor back in before it gets too weathered. I, however, am loving the Oddyssey. We are spoiled by all it's touring features and memory controls. It's like a computer. It also comes with a Nav system, which has lessened the stress of going to new places.

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