Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Autumn is here!

I love it when the leaves change into these beautiful hues of red, orange, yellows, and browns. The air is crisp outside and my favorite indulgence these days is a nap/sleep in fresh, warm sheets and our silk comforter where I get to snuggle five pillows. I know it sounds like a lot, but that is how many I need to feel comfortable when I am pregnant. I normally use three. I get so hot and sweaty all the time while pregnant that I haven't been able to do this until it just got colder recently.

Some of you probably are wondering where Ben sleeps in the midst of all these pillows. Honestly, sometimes he manages to squeeze in when he misses me enough. Most nights tho, we both get better sleep in separate beds. I toss and turn so much to the left, then to the right, trying to find that comfortable spot with the baby, he just leaves me to my flipping so I wouldn't have to worry about disturbing his slumber.

It rained yesterday afternoon, and Lauren finally decided to take a nap again after missing them 3 days in a row minus the time she conked out watching "My Little Pony", so I got spoiled by a nice long nap cuddling in total warmness. The sound of the rain outside was so soothing and peaceful that I couldn't stop thinking how wonderful God is in creating such wonderfulness.

Thank you God for sleep and naps! And nature in it's most colorful state!

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