Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We just survived the strongest earthquake of our married lives (and the strongest earthquake I've ever felt). The USGS reports it was a 5.6 magnitude quake with an epicenter in Alum Rock, which is east San Jose, about 20 miles from us. Our house shook for about a full minute, but nothing fell over or anything. We were watching Barney with Lauren downstairs when it happened. I grabbed the clay angel we have sitting on top of our entertainment center to keep it from falling down and breaking. Also, we later discovered my dresser drawers slid open. (I guess it isn't level!).

So - it was kind of cool (for me, Nicole was a little scared). I guess that is the best kind of earthquake - strong enough to go for a little ride, but weak enough to not cause damage. Lauren didn't seem to care about the earthquake - it was all about Barney. The TV flickered in and out a few times so she was a little concerned about that.

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