Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Ben!

Today is Ben's 34th birthday. We went out for a free lunch at Todai and celebrated with Thomas and Tanya, Alise and Adrian, and Grant. Unfortunately Todai seems to have increased their prices a bit and no longer serves crab legs or shrimp in their all you can eat buffet. :( We realized it is only a good deal if we just go as a family. If we bring friends and it isn't their birthday too, it can get expensive.

After lunch we bowled a game at the fairly new Cupertino Strike bowling alley in Valco mall. Lauren played her first game ever today! She was acting scared/tired at first, but once she got over some of the creepy cartoons they were playing on some of the big screens, she had fun! There was one stretch where we all got strikes one after the other, including Lauren! (she was using a bowling ramp and bumpers, but a strike is a strike!). It was very convenient but is also not cheap at $40/hour/lane.

For dinner we got to enjoy dining at Country Gourmet in Mountain View with our neighbors Cindy, Adam, and their daughters Jasmine and Lilly. Jasmine is 3 years old and Lauren loves to play with her. We like the food at Country Gourmet, and they have a nice separate wing with a table with toys for the kids to play at and a small book shelf full of kids books. Its a great place where we can all sit and enjoy an entire meal!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds fun! Happy birthday, Ben!