Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lauren's Funny Sayings to Remember

One time Lauren was just waking up in the morning, still rubbing her eyes, "Daddy, I need chocolate. I need ice cream."

"Mommy, I don't think this car is very good for me," as she sits in her car seat. Nicole asked, "why?" Lauren answered, "the sun is in my eye."

While standing in front of the soda fountains at a restaurant, Lauren was almost bawling "Mommy, I want Minnesoda! Minnesodaaaaaaa!"

"Daddy ate my nuggets all!"

Sometimes Lauren would say, "Did you take a shower last day?" or "Did you brush your teeth last morning?" (It is kinda funny that we say "last night" but not "last day", huh?)

Upon seeing Sophie wake up with her hair pointing in all directions, Lauren would say "Sophie is sunshine!"

"Mommy, can I have a nack?" (before she had s's down, i.e. snack)

"TP! TP!" Lauren yelled while pointing to the television. Lauren was getting upset no one was understanding her. Finally Nicole responded, "TV? oh!"