Monday, August 4, 2008

Bumbo fun

Some quick updates:
1. Lauren is doing very well at potty training. She is running anywhere from a 50 to 100% success rate with pee-pee. Saturday night she put her first poopie in the toilet! Whoo hoo! Lauren is a super duper pooper, (from a potty training video we got at the library).
2. Sophie is now eating rice cereal and Kix cereal. She loves to practice eating solid food. We'll post a video of Lauren feeding her soon.
3. Sophie can roll over onto her stomach! Then she gets stuck. But she's growing fast!
4. We were eating at PF Chang's not long ago and had Sophie sitting in the Bumbo on the table, watching us enjoy our dinner and mouthing some kix herself. One of the waiters recognized the Bumbo and said he saw it in a youtube video. Check it out:

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